Recap: IMO MEPC 79

Highlights from the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee, held in person from 12 to 17 December 2022 and attended by SYBAss.

The 79th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee was held in person from 12 to 17 December 2022. The IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee made progress towards revising the Initial IMO GHG Strategy, working towards adopting a strengthened revised Strategy in mid-2023 at MEPC 80. Major decisions also include the adoption of a Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA) in the Mediterranean Sea from 1 May 2025. The meeting was attended by Lorenzo Pollicardo, SYBAss’ Technical and Environmental Director, who ensured that member interests were well-represented on the global regulatory stage.

The following items were primary points of discussion:

• Revision of the IMO GHG Reduction Strategy, which will impact the type and scale of mid- and long-term measures to be introduced to reduce GHG emissions
• Development of Marine Fuel Life Cycle Guidelines, with a final report expected to be submitted to MEPC 80 in July 2023
• Adoption of the Mediterranean SOx ECA
• Proposal for a North-West Mediterranean Particular Special Sensitive Area
• Expansion of Garbage Record Book Requirement to Address Plastic Litter

Please note that the presented information reflects the status at the time of MEPC 79 which may change as a result of ongoing developments. It is also uncertain at this time whether the mentioned amendments or new regulations will eventually be adopted in future versions of the Red Ensign Group Yacht Codes or other flag codes.

SYBAss members will soon receive, as usual, a detailed report on this IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting.